Mònica Busquets | Work Portfolio                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Linkedin 🔗 | Contact: monibusquets@gmail.com

Hello! I am a Graphic Designer from Barcelona,
I am very passionate about bringing brought ideas to life. {!} Feel free to check out my latest work.

By highlighting the demographic growth of the elderly population and the tendency towards generational exclusion, the project proposes to younger generations how we can establish equal and community-based relationships with the elderly. Using thermochromic ink that reacts to human touch, the project claims the power of youth to actively participate in a social change.
Antes de que seamos todos viejos | 2022-2023                                                                                    Final Degree Project at Elisava                                                                        
                                                                                                                            Storytelling | Editorial