Mònica Busquets | Work Portfolio                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Linkedin 🔗 | Contact: monibusquets@gmail.com

Hello! I am a Graphic Designer from Barcelona,
I am very passionate about bringing brought ideas to life. {!} Feel free to check out my latest work.

Recollection of my own identity, or what it is considered to be “personal identity” from the public eye.
The project consists of an extraction of all my personal data found in my ID, passport and credit card to formulate my own brand. Using “stamping” as a graphic techinque, the data appears in supports such as a folder, a bussiness card, wrapping paper, among others.
“Busquets” Branding | 2022
Personal Graphic Identity System                                    
                                                                                                                                   Identity | Branding